We accept ALL major Credit Cards with Intuit Payment Solutions.
A 2.0 % Credit Card charge on your order will be added if you choose to use one of these credit cards to pay for your custom orders.
On all new orders on or after APRIL 1, 2015
A 2.0 % Credit Card charge on your order will be added if you choose to use one of these credit cards to pay for your custom orders.
On all new orders on or after APRIL 1, 2015
We get a lot of calls and emails on these questions to this may help before you call...
*** NOTE we are not a store and do not have a place
to come and visit and buy things, sorry.
Q: Do you sell any of the patches you make up for the squadrons?
A: Yes we will sell some of the patches we made, but only with permission of the Squadron or Unit has to give us permission to do this. The NEW WEB SITE is being built as of August 17, 2020
Q: Can you make up 1 or 2 patches?
A: No never, our factory has to make up 50 of ONE design, so if you can use 50 patches we can help you. Well, if you do want one patch, I will make it for $ 500.00 , just kidding....
Q: Do we have a catalog?
A: No
Q: Do you know anyone who makes up 1 patch at a time?
A: No...
Now remember this is for the general public, the person who may have lost that WWII flight jacket, and wants to remake that old patch again, we just cant make up small amount. We have to make up 50 as a min order. Sorry... We will make patches, coins and other items for small and large company's, or private people, just know you have to order 50 of one item. Thank You

We only accept VISA and MASTER CARD for all purchases.
Thank You
Thank You